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Who We Are

Karen L. Ray

President, Owner

As a Financial Planner, my goal is to help people deal with various personal financial issues through proper planning. This includes not only investment planning but also cash flow management, education planning, retirement planning, risk management and insurance planning, tax planning and estate planning. Only solutions that are in the client’s best interest will ever be recommended.

I have a six-step process:

  1. Set goals with each client. We want to identify where the client wants to go in terms of finances and life.
  2. Gathering relevant information on the client. We will involve the gathering of all income and expenses of the client.
  3. Analyzing the information. It is important to analyze the client’s situation. This includes making sure there are sufficient resources to reach the client’s goals and what those resources are.
  4. Constructing a financial plan. Based on the understanding of what the client wants in the future and the current financial status, a roadmap to the client’s goals is drawn up to assist the client in achieving the goals.
  5. Implementing the strategies in the plan. By using the financial plan, the strategies outlined in the plan are implemented using the resources allocated for each purpose.
  6. Monitoring implementation and reviewing the plan. The implementation process is closely monitored to make sure it stays in line with the client’s goals. Periodic reviews are a must to check if there have been any changes in the client’s situation.